Acho que todo carnaval assisto Dawson's Creek. Hoje vi três episódios da primeira temporada. Um deles é chamado "Hurricane" (furacão) e a mãe de Dawson, Gale, assume para Mitch, seu marido, que está o traindo com um colega de trabalho chamado "Bob".
É um trechinho muito interessante porque, no fim das contas, por mais injusto que possa parecer, é assim que funcionamos, é assim que reage o ser humano. Pareceremos eternamente vazios e repletos de contradições. Não é diferente da situação angustiante vivida por April Wheeler, de "Foi Apenas Um Sonho" diante de sua vidinha perfeita e aparentável.
Segue o texto no final do capítulo (em inglês porque corresponde exatamente ao que dizem, de fato). Mitch começa perguntando:
- So, why'd you do it?
- Get ready, Mitch, because if you think it can't get worse, it can. My reason is preposterious. I have no reason. No. I woke up one day, Mitch, and I realized my life was perfect. Everything I ever wanted from the time I was 6, had been realized. I discovered perfection obtained is a discomforting state and I got restless. What do you do when everything is right? When everything is just the way you've always wanted it to be? I have a perfect home, a career, the most gifted child, a husband who stimulates me, mind, body and soul every day of my life. I want for nothing. And I guess that left me feeling empty, not wanting. And I just wanted to want again. So, I set out to achieve it. And, boy, did I succeed because I want now. I want back everything that I've lost. Mitch, I am sorry.
- Let's just sit here, all right? I don't want to talk anymore.
- Okay.
I'll Stand By You - The Pretenders (essa é boa, viu?)
É um trechinho muito interessante porque, no fim das contas, por mais injusto que possa parecer, é assim que funcionamos, é assim que reage o ser humano. Pareceremos eternamente vazios e repletos de contradições. Não é diferente da situação angustiante vivida por April Wheeler, de "Foi Apenas Um Sonho" diante de sua vidinha perfeita e aparentável.
Segue o texto no final do capítulo (em inglês porque corresponde exatamente ao que dizem, de fato). Mitch começa perguntando:
- So, why'd you do it?
- Get ready, Mitch, because if you think it can't get worse, it can. My reason is preposterious. I have no reason. No. I woke up one day, Mitch, and I realized my life was perfect. Everything I ever wanted from the time I was 6, had been realized. I discovered perfection obtained is a discomforting state and I got restless. What do you do when everything is right? When everything is just the way you've always wanted it to be? I have a perfect home, a career, the most gifted child, a husband who stimulates me, mind, body and soul every day of my life. I want for nothing. And I guess that left me feeling empty, not wanting. And I just wanted to want again. So, I set out to achieve it. And, boy, did I succeed because I want now. I want back everything that I've lost. Mitch, I am sorry.
- Let's just sit here, all right? I don't want to talk anymore.
- Okay.

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